Add Other Notification Dialog Box

Use the Add Other Notification dialog box to add notifications for tasks.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Time menu, click Settings > Events.
  2. On the Other Notifications tab, click Add Other Notifications.


Dialog Box Fields

Field Description

Use this drop-down box to select the function of the user who will receive the notification. The available options are all the functional roles set up in your system. The functional role descriptions are listed in alphabetical order. To ensure that a correct function is selected, the default is a blank.


Use the drop-down box to choose which task should be performed when the users that have the selected function are notified. The options are the following:

  • Type - "Timesheet"
    • None
    • Review Timesheet
    • Update Timesheet
    • Sign Timesheet
    • Approve Timesheet
  • Type - "Schedule"
    • None
    • Approve Leave Request

Select this check box if you wish the event to be sent as an alert.


Select this check box if you wish the event to be sent as e-mail.